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Reports & Publications

What we've been in

Listed below are the articles written by Authenticae employees:


Closed publications – LIRI/ISTT/BLC/ICLT


  1. Jackson-Moss, C. and Flowers, K. The effect of machine operations on enhancing flay damage on skins for African hide. 1996. LIRI Bulletin.

  2. Jackson-Moss, C. and Flowers, K. A comparison of Neosyn TX versus Protan OX products. 1996. LIRI Bulletin.

  3.   Flowers, K. Gauteng & Natal industry assessment– student support and technical information. 1996. LIRI Bulletin.

  4. Russell, A. Jackson-Moss, C., Kohl, R., Tandt, H. and Flowers, K. Use of electrolysed water in skin preservation and other potential applications in the leather industry. 1997. LIRI Bulletin.

  5. Jackson-Moss, C. and Flowers, K. Evaluation of goatskin leather produced from Boer goats fed growth hormones. Grootfontein Agricultural Development Institute. 1997. LIRI Bulletin.

  6. Jackson-Moss, C. and Flowers, K. An investigation of a rapid unhairing process for possible use in the meat industry. Friars Meats Products. 1997. LIRI Bulletin.

  7. Jackson-Moss, C. and Flowers, K. The effects of unhairing parameters on hide quality. A report for Crest Chemicals. 1997. LIRI Bulletin.

  8. Flowers, K. Eastern Province industry assessment – student support and technical information report. 1997. LIRI Bulletin.

  9. Jackson-Moss, C. and Flowers, K. Examination of tannery layout and production capacity for the Keetmanshoop ostrich tannery. 1998. LIRI Bulletin.

  10. Jackson-Moss, C. and Flowers, K. Evaluation of goatskin leather produced from indigenous goats on different diets. Grootfontein Agricultural Development Institute. 1998. LIRI Bulletin.

  11. Jackson-Moss, C. and Flowers, K. A comparison of ten different breeds of sheepskin. A technical report for Grootfontein Agricultural Development Institute. 1998. LIRI Bulletin.

  12. Jackson-Moss, C. and Flowers, K. A novel process for CO2 deliming of sheepskin and lime-split cattle hides. A report for Afrox. 1998. LIRI Bulletin.

  13. Jackson-Moss, C. and Flowers, K. An investigation of hair-save unhairing and lime liquor recycling in the beamhouse. A report for Trumpler GmbH & Co. 1999. LIRI Bulletin.

  14. Flowers, K. Assessment of ostrich degreasing at Riverside tannery. 1999. ISTT Bulletin.

  15. Flowers, K. Vegetable tanning at Oasis tanning – A report on logistics for improving leather quality. 1999. ISTT Bulletin.

  16. Flowers, K. Tannery colour logistics – enhancement of existing resources through process definition and training for Meatco Okapuka tannery. 1999. ISTT Bulletin.

  17. Flowers, K. Process development for automotive split leather of high tear strength and shoe upper leather with a tight grain for Meatco Okapuka tannery. 1999. ISTT Bulletin.

  18. Flowers, K. and Jackson-Moss, C. A comparison of the leather produced from six different breeds of goatskin. 1999. ISTT Bulletin.

  19. Flowers, K. Investigation for novel waterproofing materials for Dow Corning. 2004. ICLT Internal document.

  20. Flowers, K. Investigation on the use of Amino Siloxanes as a high-performance fatliquor in automotive leathers. 2004. ICLT Internal document.

  21. Flowers, K. and Guthrie-Strachan, J. Investigation into the drying parameters of the Conditioning Rotary Cell Machine, Erretre, Italy. 2011-2015. ICLT Internal document.

  22. Flowers, K., Antunes, P. and Guthrie-Strachan, J. Investigation of a novel leather cleaning technology for Xeros Cleaning – a TSB project. 2013. ICLT Internal document.

  23. Flowers, K. Three confidential studies for major chemical companies and leather retailers - product application studies. 2014-2017. ICLT Internal document.


Publicly available documents


  1. Flowers, K. CO2 deliming – a technical insight. in: introduction of clean technology and wet white leather process in ESALIA countries. (Ed. Awale, Y.) UNIDO US/RAF/97/010. Johannesburg, December 1997.

  2. Flowers, K. The economic viability of various possible carbon dioxide deliming processes. 1998. UNIDO guideline

  3. Flowers, K. Consultancy for the SETA, National Qualifications Framework for the South African leather industry education standards. 2000-2003. SETA NQF Standards.

  4. Flowers, K. and Jackson-Moss, C. Improvements in the efficiency of carbon dioxide deliming. 2001Proceedings of the IULTCS Conference, Cape Town. 

  5. ​Flowers, K. and Zurita, M. The relationship between penetration and covering in cationic finishes. 2003. Proceedings of the 106th SLTC Conference, Nottingham.

  6. Flowers, K. Leather industry information – its vulnerabilities. 2010. Proceedings of the 113th Conference of the Society of Technologists and Chemists, Sheffield.

  7. Flowers, K. Investigating the CRC mechanism using dynamic mechanical analysis. 2015. Proceedings of the 111th Congress of the American Leather Chemists Association, Pinehurst.

  8. Flowers, K. How do biomaterials and granular materials move in a horizontal drum under varying process conditions? 2015. Proceedings of the 2nd IC-RMM Conference, Miskolc, Hungary.

  9. Flowers, K., Perruzzi, A., Wise, W., and Covington, A. Investigating the CRC mechanism using dynamic mechanical analysis. 2015. J. Am. Leather. Chem. As. 110: 317-325.

  10. Wise, W., Flowers, K., Perruzzi, A., and Covington, A. Use of viscoelastic changes to demonstrate the relationship between drying parameters – a preliminary study. 2016. J. Am. Leather. Chem. As. 111: 1-9.

  11. Flowers, K. Water saving processing. 2016. Proceedings of the 119th Conference of the Society of Technologists and Chemists, Northampton.

  12. Nkwor, A., Wise, W. and Flowers, K. Fatliquoring potentials of sulfated Hura crepitans seed oil. 2016. Proceedings of the 5th FILK Leather Days conference, Freiberg, Germany.

  13. Mhute, P., Flowers, K., Goddard, A., Lama, A., and Wise, W. The use of profilometry to characterise the leather surface. 2017. J. Soc. Leath. Tech. Ch. 101: 43-48.

  14. Flowers, K., Flowers, I., and Garwood, R. A South African Leather Research Institute - a technical feasibility. 2017. A report for the SA DTI. ICLT Internal document.

  15. Flowers, K., Galiotto, A., and Peruzzi, A. Tools that can catch the hidden variables in auto leather manufacture. 2017. Proceedings of ILM automotive leather supply chain conference, Munich.

  16. Flowers, K.B., Galiotto, A., Peruzzi, A., and Tandura, T. CRC: innovation in drying and conditioning. 2017. Proceedings of the 113th Congress of the American Leather Chemists Association, Pinehurst Resort, Pinehurst.

  17. Flowers, K. and Flowers, I. Traceability in the leather supply chain. 2017. A commissioned report for the Sauer Report.  

  18. Flowers, K.B., Galiotto, A., and Perruzzi, A. Spraylab: rapid finishing and sample creation. 2018. Proceedings of the 7th Freiberg Leather Days, Freiberg.

  19. Flowers, K.B., Galiotto, A., and Peruzzi, A. Cold milling: flat/tight leathers. 2018. Proceedings of the 114th Congress of the American Leather Chemists Association, Eaglewood Spa, Illinois.

  20. Flowers, I. and Flowers, K. Automotive leathers – a modern and sustainable industry. 2018A commissioned report for the Sauer Report in response to the Drive Sustainability initiative.

  21. Nkwor, A., Ukoha, P., Wise, W., and Flowers, K. Fatliquoring potentials of sulfated Hura crepitans seed oil. Industrial Crops and Products. In publication.




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